
国際化(英文化) 計画発動

モノスキーが先日北海道の某スキー場で英語/日本語バイリンガルの女性にバカ受けし ”It’s cool, かっこいいです” まで言ってもらって記念撮影までせがまれましたので、この際英文も併記して WW (world wide) で情報発信しておこうかと野望が燃えてきました(笑)
(Recently, my monoski was extremely well-received by a woman speaking English and Japanese in a ski area in Hokkaido, and she said "It's cool !" and asked me to take commemorative photo.
So I have an ambition to send my messages in English into "World Wide".)

とりあえずブログ名は "A blog by a gaffer with a fuming wife" にしました。
(My blog is titled "A blog by a gaffer with a fuming wife".
I trannslated 'PURIPURI KA-SAN NO TO-SAN NO BUROGU' in Japanese to the English title.
I intend "A blog by a father with a snappy wife". But someone may take it more severe as "A blog by a hick old man with a wife puffing poisonous air" and widen the eyes...)

2016/3/21 posted 1st version
2016/5/4, 2017/1/4 updated
Jan/04/2017 updated
