
なんちゃって Skwal (縦割りアルペンボード) "Fake Skwal by splitting alpine snowboard" [Fake Skwal]

やっちまいました... "I've got it ..."



Skwal は知る人ぞ知るレア滑走アイテムで、長年やってみたいと思っていたが、なかなか買いづらく中古もたまに出るが高止まりで入手困難品でした。
"Skwal is a rare item gliding on snow, unknown to many skiers. I have wanted to ride on it for long time. But it is hard to buy new one and sometimes used skwals are sold with rather expensive price currently."

"I 've made a FAKE SKWAL with removing the center piece of three vertically splitted used alpine snowboard. I've tried to ride on it. At first, I couldn't drive it smoothly but at last in my recent snowing a few days tour I could do well."

"I have more topics about it, but I have made the first quick report."

(追記) 乗り方の一端
"(appendix) one way to ride"

"At first, I couldn't ride correctly. Especially on left side turn, I couldn't controll to skid intentionally and was suffering with tail-slide."


ツアー中いろいろ持ち込んでいたのでその中の1つビッグフットで左の片足滑走、あるいは外エッジ滑走の、左ターンで爪先荷重する感覚で (FAKE) SKWAL の前足の小指の爪先に荷重したらうまくいきました。
"I was sometimes changing items on the snowing tour. The pair of Big Foot was one of them. I ran sometimes weighting on the toe of little finger of left foot, in gliding on left leg or using outer edges.
On the (FAKE) SKWAL, I could run correctly with weighting on the toe of little finger of left foot, with the similar feeling as the Big Foot."

どこかの web ページに SKWAL はボードよりスキーに近いと書いてありましたがなるほどと理解しました。
"On a webpage, I had seen a comment that the skwal was similar to the ski rather than the snowboard. I recognized the feel."

作成&滑走動画 Up 、なかなか作成が進まないのでまずは手抜き version です
"I've uploaded building and running movie. It costs time so I up easy version at first."

2019/03/中旬 FAKE SKWAL 完成&初滑走
2019/04/12-13 記事投稿、(appendix) 追加
2019/5/4 動画 up
nice!(1)  コメント(6) 
